Health Safety & Environment As a leading company GOS's commitment to Health, Safety and Environmental responsibilities positively differentiates us from all other competitors.
Health and safety are paramount throughout the business, and we believe that “Good Safety” is “Good Business”.Health, Safety & Environment GOS is committed to reducing accidents and incidents to safeguarding the health, safety and environment of everyone involved in or affected by operations while providing a healthy working
environment for all our employees. On every site, we actively engage with all stakeholders and employees regarding Health and Safety to establish relationships with the workforce as GOS's management believe that good relations are a key initiative to encourage safe work practices, and efficient production and ensure they understand
management value for their key asset. Development and Innovation GOS are at the forefront of innovation and continually developing in line with industry needs and is integral to ongoing improvement strategies
across all departments. Health and Safety is a culture in GOS and boasts a highly experienced operational management organization who are highly committed to Health and Safety and fully supports a formidable professionally trained safety organization ensuring cooperation and consistency in compliance with our legal, moral and
ethical obligations.